Teens and tweens with Down syndrome go through puberty during the same years as their typically developing peers (ages 9-14), and as with all children, they have questions and concerns about the changes affecting their bodies during this time of their life.

Join Dr. Rebecca Partridge, head of Down Syndrome program and Beth Olenchek, a health educator at Virginia Mason, and Ayman King teaching assistant for the four-session classes.

This program will be held virtually via Zoom, for 4 consecutive Saturdays, starting on Saturday, July 18th. The first one-hour session, for the parents/caregivers includes an overview of the program. The following three, one-hour sessions are gender specific and each meeting is for one hour. Topics for the weekly sessions are the same for both girls and boys but include gender-specific details. The class materials and supplies will be mailed to participants on a weekly basis.

Registration will open Monday, June 15th. 

More information on registration email contact@downsyndromecommunity.org