Are you a K-12 parent?

Join us along with the rest of the Investing in Student Potential coalition on January 28, 2020, for a special advocacy day in Olympia focusing on the educational needs of students with disabilities.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
9 am – 3 pm (not including travel time)
Washington State Capitol

We have a short legislative session this year (just 60 days!) and appointments will be hard to get. Registering now gives us time to make sure you have an opportunity to share your priorities and experiences with your elected leaders.

Our coalition’s focus? Designing systems to ensure every student gets what they need, when they need it. This means:

Thriving school communities – Every student attends a school where they are valued, believed in, and seen.

Environments designed for every learner – Physical, academic, social emotional, communication, and sensory needs are met.

Equitable and sufficient resources – Educators are supported, prepared, and receive training in inclusive practices and universally designed learning to support diverse learners. The right supports and resources are available to every classroom.

Successful and meaningful transitions – Students have authentic choices and are supported in setting goals, making decisions, and creating pathways to work and learning as an adult.

It’s too early to know what legislation will be in play, but we do know the state superintendent of public instruction is asking for:

Staffing enrichment to meet students’ needs for safety as well as mental, social, emotional, and behavioral health, as recommended by the Staffing Enrichment Workgroup Recommendations

Register here