Our new project called the Community of Practice has gotten off to a great start and we want to invite you to participate in our next training to be held over Zoom on Tuesday, December 21 from 10am-12Noon. This FREE training is open to family members who are interested in strengthening their tools around family voice and leadership and have an opportunity to connect with other family leaders within the Children’s Behavioral Health Community. The training is also open to System Partners who are interested in strengthening their leadership skills and/or have lived experience in this community. The Community of Practice trainings are held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10am-12Noon, you are welcome to attend each month, or come when you can!

These trainings are interactive and give participants a chance to learn and go deeper into the concepts around Adaptive Leadership and give opportunities for those who are interested to be able to facilitate one of the training sessions on the Adaptive Leadership topic they are passionate about. We hope you will come check it out and see if it is a fit for you!

Register with this link and we will “see” you there: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqdeyorD4vHNeOqQVqTgRh_qwlXe3lwGsp