Hello Community Connectors,

I am reaching out to you on behalf of the WSCC Children’s Behavioral Health Outpatient Workgroup with a link to a survey we are asking you to complete. The Survey should take less than ten minutes and will be a valuable tool as we move our work forward.

The WSCC Outpatient Workgroup is collecting information on the outpatient services provided in WA state. They are looking for parents/caregivers currently parenting a youth (youth in this survey = any minor child) in behavioral health services or have previously parented one AND would also like to hear from youth who are receiving services or have received services.  Our system partners with lived experience are also asked to share their voice. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences.

Please feel free to forward this on to your circle of influence and/or the families you serve.   We would appreciate having the survey filled out by April 29th.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Complete the Survey by Clicking on the Survey link below:

Outpatient Care Survey

Collaborating Together for Families,

Karen Kelly 

Pronouns (she/her) why does this matter?

Project Director

Washington State Community Connectors (WSCC)
