The On-Time Autism Intervention Project (a joint project between the UW Autism Center and the UW Haring Center for Inclusive Education) is proud to share our new podcast with the community.  We are hoping that providers and organizations who work with children under 3 will find this valuable and might be willing to share it via social media, newsletters, etc. so that it finds an audience amongst parents and caregivers with very young children. Thanks so much for your willingness to listen and share!

The On-Time Autism Intervention is a podcast for parents of children three and younger who are interested in information about autism, autism diagnosis, and autism intervention and resources for young children. Many parents of young children diagnosed with autism have little or no prior experience with autism and are looking for information and answers to help guide their early steps in this new journey. The On-Time Autism Intervention podcast will provide parents with relevant information about characteristics of autism in very young children (0-3) as well as strategies for pursuing services, and transitioning into autism intervention, special education, and more.

Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher! Links below:



Google Podcasts:
