What is it?

  • For the second month in a row the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities is devoting part of its next regularly scheduled monthly meeting (Wednesday July 7, 2021 from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.) to hold a listening session to gather community feedback on intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and early childhood supports systems and services within King County.
  • The King County Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports Division (DDECSD) will facilitate conversations and collect feedback from both members of the Board and our community members.
  • Feedback will be used to shape the work of DDECSD, including the LegislativeWe will use Zoom for this meeting.  The conversation will begin after standing board business concludes. You are invited to join for the full board meeting, but if you are only able to join for the listening session, we are estimating a start time of 10:15 a.m., but we recommend that you log in at 10:00 a.m..

    When: Wednesday July 7th, 2021 at 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. (log in at 10:00 a.m.)

    Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://kingcounty.zoom.us/j/97398786544

    Passcode: listen

    Meeting ID:  973 9878 6544

    Please RSVP: Let us know that you will be there, and if you have a breakout room/topic preference on Eventbrite- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-community-listening-session-kc-board-for-developmental-disabilities-tickets-159699458379

    Forum. Feedback will also be shared with the Board.