Hello! My name is Kirstin Etherage. I’m a former classroom teacher, autism peer educator, and an ASD mom. Now I run a service supporting distance learning families which include free, fun social times for ages 5-17.

Finding safe, supportive spaces where our children can practice social skills and make meaningful connections is challenging at the best of times. During lockdown, it’s been especially tough. Our kids need times to socialize apart from school and therapy sessions, times just to be kids and to make mistakes without fear of exclusion. I keep activities rolling and facilitate positive interactions while leaving plenty of room for peer-to-peer engagement. My goal is to make the time personalized and active but not overwhelming.

Children are asked to participate only within their comfort levels. Groups of up to eight meet via Zoom. Story times are available for ages 5-8 and cooperative game times for ages 9+. These are rough guidelines. Groups are open to all ages, and again, there is no cost.

For more information and to schedule:  Click Services at the top for details and Schedule to sign up for a time.

If you have questions or requests, feel free to give me a call at (360) 810-7378