This event is open to WSFN dads, grandfathers or male care providers.

Panel Presentation: Planning for the Future
Featuring Dave Crowther, Rick Jones, Jeff Pimental, Ron Ralph & Conner Pierce.

This experienced panel includes one 18‐year‐old with Cerebral Palsy, who began his journey as a Boyer client and is now on his way to college, three Boyer fathers, whose children are in high school, and one Boyer dad whose son is 36 years old and is still living at home.

These experts will provide some very useful information about the many things you need to know when planning for the future as a father of a child with special needs. Fathers, grandfathers, foster fathers and all male care providers are all welcome.

Thursday, May 31, 2018
6:30‐8:30pm at Boyer|Montlake (1850 Boyer Ave E)
Dinner will be provided.
RSVP by Sunday, May 27th to or call (206) 325-8477