Get The Right Insurance For The Adaptive Controls In Your Vehicle!

An article by Fathers Network member, Eric Keerbs.  Do you have adaptive controls in your vehicle? Do you know someone that does? It’s important to ensure appropriate auto insurance coverage before a wreck occurs! Adaptive controls range from simple pedal extenders to a minivan modified for a wheelchair lift – and include a lot of [...]

By |2022-03-29T17:53:21-07:00April 5th, 2022|

Supported Decision Making is an Option for Adults with Disabilities

A Brief Overview In Washington State, Supported Decision Making (SDM) is a legal option for supporting a person with a disability after their 18th birthday. The format for an SDM agreement is up to the individual and their supporters. A sample form is available for download from The final section of this article provides [...]

By |2022-03-22T08:51:23-07:00March 30th, 2022|

Registration is Open for the 2022 Virtual Infant and Early Childhood Conference

Register Here The conference organizers are especially interested in having parents, family members and caregivers attend. Conference Goals: Challenge thinking about diversity and disability; Increase family and provider effectiveness through new skills, strategies and ideas for providing high quality services; Enhance understanding of the unique strengths and needs of each family; Foster partnerships across families, [...]

By |2022-03-28T08:16:02-07:00March 29th, 2022|
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