If the opportunity below is of interest, please respond by the end of the work day, Friday, July 30th

Our Office of Family and Community Health Improvement is leading development of the new statewide data system to track developmental screening of children birth through age 5. Parents and healthcare providers will be able to register as users, look up a child’s record, and enter or edit information. It will be a secure information source, helping to avoid missed or duplicated screening, and will create a whole-life record that will be accessible when children/families work with different providers.

The registry is on track to go live in the fall, but before going live we need a few parents to participate in user acceptance testing (UAT). Parents/legal guardians will “try out” the system and provide feedback. The feedback will be used to make corrections/improvements prior to going live – an opportunity to make the parent voice part of the process!

User testing is expected to take about six hours, spread out through the month of August and conducted at the participant’s convenience. It entails initial training, trying out the system with specific testing, and providing feedback on design and workflow. We appreciate your engagement and hope you will benefit from the experience.  In addition, we have funding available to provide parents with a stipend for their time in helping with the testing.

This is a time-sensitive ask. Testing takes place in August and we need to provide the IT team with a list of participants no later than the last week of July. Please let us know if you are interested in participating, any questions you have, and how we can support you! Please connect with Nikki Dyer to get signed up for this opportunity at Nikki.Dyer@doh.wa.gov.